Sunday, June 28, 2009

Soul Food Sisters

There is nothing so heart-warming, so soul-soothing, then to spend time with people who truly love and care for you; and who allow you to love and care for them. To just be in their midst is like being wrapped in a warm blanket, and know that all is well. The breaking of bread (in our case, dipped in a garlic-infused olive oil) and the sharing of one's heart, thoughts and opinions - even if they are diametrically opposed - is the essence of meaningful relationships. It is here that I am safe to be me. 

I watch and listen to my friends, four very different women, who are so strong, so loving, so smart and so much a part of my life. We may not see each other for weeks or even months at a time, but when we do gather, it is just as if we picked up were we left off. The thread of conversation never really breaks, it just unwinds a bit more with each gathering. 

For too long, I have allowed my work, my striving to "be" something, detract me from my purpose - to "be" a friend, a confidante, a daughter and a sister. To be a child of God. 

I read once that loneliness is a disconnect from God, and to trust in Him is to reconnect. His plans do not pass me by - I merely circumvent them with my willfulness. I know that God speaks through people, and believe the expression of His love is through the love we have for one another. It is in the relationship that I have with Him where I can open myself to receive the love and care of others. More importantly, the love that I receive feeds my soul - it is then that I am whole.

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