Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Not So Random Thoughts

From a way-late, too-much-coffee-fueled conversation with my friend and kindred spirit, Helene.

Indifference: the emotional equivalent of "I don't give a fuck." Well past "upset about" and "fed-up with," it's the final phase of dealing with people, places and situations that have gone from unacceptable to un-fucking-believable.

You know you're at this stage when no matter what is said, done or imagined, it leaves no impression on your mindset and there is little to no reaction in your heart. It's at this point that cooler heads prevail -- you're just plain DONE.

It's also a far more comfortable feeling than the aforementioned negative states. It may be somewhat habit-forming, but it beats the hell out of the emotional turbulence and mental masturbation that accompanies the crap the world throws our way. Just a thought.

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